Source code for pytoolbox.argparse

Module related to parsing arguments from the command-line.

**Example usage**

>>> import argparse
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
...     formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
...     epilog='My super cool software.')
>>> x = parser.add_argument('directory', action=FullPaths, type=is_dir)
>>> str(parser.parse_args(['/usr/lib']).directory)
>>> assert parser.parse_args(['.']).directory == Path(os.getcwd()).expanduser().resolve()
>>> parser.parse_args(['/does_not_exist/'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
SystemExit: 2

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
import argparse, getpass, os, shutil

from . import itertools, module

_all = module.All(globals())

# Credits

[docs]def is_dir(path: str | Path) -> Path: """Check if `path` is an actual directory and return it.""" path = Path(path) if path.is_dir(): return path raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'{path} is not a directory')
[docs]def is_file(path: str | Path) -> Path: """Check if `path` is an actual file and return it.""" path = Path(path) if path.is_file(): return path raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'{path} is not a file')
[docs]def multiple(func): """Return a list with the result of `func`(value) for value in values.""" def _multiple(values): return [func(v) for v in values] if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)) else func(values) return _multiple
[docs]def password(value: str | None) -> str: return value or getpass.getpass('Password: ')
[docs]def set_columns(value=None, default=120): if value is None: try: value = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns except AttributeError: value = default os.environ['COLUMNS'] = str(value)
[docs]class FullPaths(argparse.Action): """Expand user/relative paths.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): def fullpath(path: str | Path) -> Path: return Path(path).expanduser().resolve() value = itertools.extract_single([fullpath(v) for v in itertools.chain(values)]) setattr(namespace, self.dest, value)
[docs]class Range(object): # pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs] def __init__(self, type, min, max): # pylint:disable=redefined-builtin self.type = type self.min = min self.max = max
def __call__(self, value): try: value = self.type(value) except Exception as ex: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'Must be of type {self.type.__name__}') from ex if not (self.min <= value <= self.max): # pylint:disable=superfluous-parens raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'Must be in range [{self.min}, {self.max}]') return value
[docs]class HelpArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): set_columns(kwargs.pop('columns', None)) super().__init__(*args, formatter_class=HelpFormatter, **kwargs)
[docs]class HelpFormatter(argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter): pass
__all__ = _all.diff(globals())