Source code for pytoolbox.console

from __future__ import annotations

import atexit, code, os, sys

__all__ = ['confirm', 'choice', 'print_error', 'progress_bar', 'shell']

[docs]def confirm(question=None, default=False, stream=sys.stdout): """ Return True if user confirm the action, else False. `default` if user only press ENTER. **Example usage** :: >> confirm('Do it now', default=True) Do it now ? [Y/n]: True >> confirm('Are you sure', default=False) Are you sure ? [y/N]: False >> confirm('Really, I am sure that is false', default=False) Really, I am sure that is false ? [y/N]: y True """ if question is None: question = 'Confirm' question = f"{question} ? [{'Y/n' if default else 'y/N'}]: " while True: stream.write(question) stream.flush() if not (answer := input()): # pylint:disable=bad-builtin return default if answer.lower() in ('y', 'yes'): # pylint:disable=use-set-for-membership return True if answer.lower() in ('n', 'no'): # pylint:disable=use-set-for-membership return False stream.write(f'please enter y(es) or n(o).{os.linesep}') stream.flush()
[docs]def choice(question='', choices=tuple(), stream=sys.stdout): """ Prompt the user for a choice and return his/her answer. **Example of usage** :: >> choice('What is your favorite color?', ['blue', 'orange', 'red']) What is your favourite color? [blue, orange, red]: orange orange >> choice(['male', 'female']) [male, female]? female female """ # generate question and choices list choices_string = ', '.join(choices) if question is None: question = f'[{choices_string}]? ' else: question = f'{question} [{choices_string}]: ' # loop until an acceptable choice has been answered while True: if (answer := input(question)) in choices: # pylint:disable=bad-builtin return answer stream.write(f'Please choose between {choices_string}.{os.linesep}')
[docs]def progress_bar( start_time, # pylint:disable=unused-argument current, total, size=50, done='=', todo=' ', template='\r[{done}{todo}]', stream=sys.stdout ): """ Show a progress bar. Default `template` string starts with a carriage return to update progress on same line. **Example usage** >>> import functools, time >>> progress = functools.partial(progress_bar, template='[{done}{todo}]', stream=sys.stdout) >>> progress(time.time(), 10, 15, size=30) [==================== ] >>> progress(time.time(), 1, 6, size=10) [= ] >>> progress(time.time(), 3, 5, size=5, done='+', todo='-') [+++--] """ if total: progress = int(size * current / total) stream.write(template.format(done=done * progress, todo=todo * (size - progress))) stream.flush()
[docs]def shell(banner=None, history_filename='~/.python_history', history_length=1000, imported=None): """Execute an interactive shell with auto-completion and history (if available).""" # Setup auto-completion and file history, credits to @kyouko-taiga! try: import readline except ImportError: pass else: import rlcompleter readline.set_completer(rlcompleter.Completer(imported).complete) readline.parse_and_bind("tab:complete") history_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(history_filename)) try: readline.read_history_file(history_filename) readline.set_history_length(history_length) except FileNotFoundError: pass atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, history_filename) return code.interact(banner=banner, local=imported)
if __name__ == '__main__': if confirm('Please confirm this'): print('You confirmed') else: print('You do not like my question') print(choice('Select a language', ['Italian', 'French'])) def toggle_colors( env: dict[str, str] | None = None, *, colorize: bool, disable_vars=('NO_COLOR', 'ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED'), enable_vars=('FORCE_COLOR', ) ) -> dict[str, str]: """ Return `env` (defaulting to `os.environ`) updated to enable or disable colors. Reference: **Example usage** >> os.environ = toggle_colors(colorize=True) Then colors are guaranteed! """ env = { k: v for k, v in (env or os.environ).items() if k not in disable_vars and k not in enable_vars } if colorize: env[enable_vars[0]] = 'yes' else: env[disable_vars[0]] = 'yes' return env