
class, length)[source]

Bases: object

This represent a real-time transport protocol (RTP) packet.

Packet header

  • RFC 3550 page 13

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|V=2|P|X|  CC   |M|     PT      |       sequence number         |
|                           timestamp                           |
|           synchronization source (SSRC) identifier            |
|            contributing source (CSRC) identifiers             |
|                             ....                              |

Extension header

  • RFC 3550 page 19

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|      defined by profile       |           length              |
|                        header extension                       |
|                             ....                              |
ER_VERSION = 'RTP Header : Version must be set to 2'
ER_PADDING_LENGTH = 'RTP Header : Bad padding length'
ER_EXTENSION_LENGTH = 'RTP Header : Bad extension length'
ER_PAYLOAD = 'RTP packet must have a payload'
V_MASK = 192
P_MASK = 32
X_MASK = 16
CC_MASK = 15
M_MASK = 128
PT_MASK = 127
MP2T_PT = 33
MP2T_CLK = 90000
S_MASK = 65535
TS_MASK = 4294967295
property valid

Returns True if this packet is a valid RTP packet.

property validMP2T

Returns True if this packet is a valid RTP packet containing a MPEG2-TS payload.

property errors

Returns an array containing any errors.


array of error message(s).

Example usage

Testing invalid header:

>>> from pytoolbox.unittest import asserts
>>> rtp = RtpPacket(bytearray(RtpPacket.HEADER_LENGTH-1), RtpPacket.HEADER_LENGTH-1)
>>> asserts.list_equal(rtp.errors, [
...     'RTP Header : Version must be set to 2',
...     'RTP packet must have a payload'
... ])

Testing a valid RTP packet with a MPEG2-TS payload:

>>> rtp = RtpPacket.create(6, 777, RtpPacket.MP2T_PT, 'salut')
>>> asserts.list_equal(rtp.errors, [])
property clock_rate

Return the MPEG2-TS clock rate of a MPEG2-TS payload or 1 if this is not.

property header_size

Returns the length (aka size) of the header.

Example usage

>>> rtp = RtpPacket.create(6, 777, RtpPacket.MP2T_PT, 'salut')
>>> print(rtp.header_size)
property payload_size

Returns the length (aka size) of the payload.

Example usage

>>> rtp = RtpPacket.create(6, 777, RtpPacket.MP2T_PT, 'salut')
>>> print(rtp.payload_size)
property time

Return computed time (timestamp / clock rate).

property header_bytes

Return the RTP header bytes.

Example usage

>>> rtp = RtpPacket.create(6, 777, RtpPacket.MP2T_PT, bytearray.fromhex('00 01 02 03'))
>>> print(rtp)
version      = 2
errors       = []
padding      = False
extension    = False
marker       = False
payload type = 33
sequence     = 6
timestamp    = 777
clock rate   = 90000
time         = 0
ssrc         = 0
csrc count   = 0
payload size = 4
>>> header = rtp.header_bytes
>>> assert len(header) == 12
>>> print(''.join(' %02x' % b for b in header))
 80 21 00 06 00 00 03 09 00 00 00 00
>>> header += rtp.payload
>>> assert rtp == RtpPacket(header, len(header))
>>> rtp = RtpPacket.create(0xffffffff, 0xffffffffff, RtpPacket.DYNAMIC_PT, bytearray(1023))
>>> print(rtp)
version      = 2
errors       = []
padding      = False
extension    = False
marker       = False
payload type = 96
sequence     = 65535
timestamp    = 4294967295
clock rate   = 1
time         = 4294967295
ssrc         = 0
csrc count   = 0
payload size = 1023
>>> header = rtp.header_bytes
>>> assert len(header) == 12
>>> print(''.join(' %02x' % b for b in header))
 80 60 ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00
>>> header += rtp.payload
>>> assert rtp == RtpPacket(header, len(header))
property bytes

Return the RTP packet header and payload bytes.

__init__(data, length)[source]

This constructor will parse input bytes array to fill packet’s fields. In case of error (e.g. bad version number) the constructor will abort filling fields and un-updated fields are set to their corresponding default value.

  • bytes (bytearray) – Input array of bytes to parse as a RTP packet

  • length (int) – Amount of bytes to read from the array of bytes

Example usage

Testing invalid headers:

>>> rtp = RtpPacket(bytearray(RtpPacket.HEADER_LENGTH-1), RtpPacket.HEADER_LENGTH-1)
>>> rtp.valid  # Bad length
>>> rtp = RtpPacket(bytearray(RtpPacket.HEADER_LENGTH), RtpPacket.HEADER_LENGTH)
>>> rtp.valid  # Bad version
>>> bytes = bytearray(RtpPacket.HEADER_LENGTH)
>>> bytes[0] = 0xa0
>>> rtp = RtpPacket(bytes, RtpPacket.HEADER_LENGTH)
>>> rtp.valid  # Padding enabled but not present

Testing header fields value:

>>> bytes = bytes.fromhex('80 a1 a4 25 ca fe b5 04 b0 60 5e bb 12 34')
>>> rtp = RtpPacket(bytes, len(bytes))
>>> rtp.valid
>>> print(rtp)
version      = 2
errors       = []
padding      = False
extension    = False
marker       = True
payload type = 33
sequence     = 42021
timestamp    = 3405690116
clock rate   = 90000
time         = 37841
ssrc         = 2959105723
csrc count   = 0
payload size = 2
>>> rtp.csrc
>>> rtp.payload[0]
>>> rtp.payload[1]

Testing header fields value (with padding, extension and ccrc):

>>> bytes = bytes.fromhex('b5a1a401 cafea421 b0605ebb 11111111 22222222 33333333 '
...                       '44444444 55555555 00000004 87654321 12340002')
>>> rtp = RtpPacket(bytes, len(bytes))
>>> rtp.valid
>>> rtp.version
>>> rtp.padding
>>> rtp.extension
>>> rtp.marker
>>> rtp.payload_type
>>> rtp.sequence
>>> rtp.timestamp
>>> rtp.clock_rate
>>> rtp.ssrc
>>> len(rtp.csrc)
>>> rtp.csrc
[286331153, 572662306, 858993459, 1145324612, 1431655765]
>>> rtp.payload
classmethod create(sequence, timestamp, payload_type, payload)[source]

Create a valid RTP packet with a given payload.

  • sequence (int) – Packet sequence number (16 bits)

  • timestamp (int) – Packet timestamp (32 bits)

  • payload_type (int) – Packet payload type (7 bits)

  • payload (bytearray) – Packet payload, can be an array of bytes or a string

Example usage

>>> p = RtpPacket.create(10, 1024, RtpPacket.MP2T_PT, 'The payload string')
>>> q = RtpPacket.create(11, 1028, RtpPacket.MP2T_PT, bytearray.fromhex('00 11 22 33'))
>>> r = RtpPacket.create(11, 1028, RtpPacket.DYNAMIC_PT, bytearray.fromhex('cc aa ff ee'))
>>> assert p.validMP2T and q.validMP2T and r.valid