Source code for pytoolbox.comparison

from __future__ import annotations

from import Iterator
import difflib, operator as op, os

from packaging.version import (  # pylint:disable=ungrouped-imports
    parse as _parse_version,

import termcolor

from .types import get_slots

__all__ = [

[docs]class SlotsEqualityMixin(object): """ Implement the comparison operators based on the slots. Both the name of the slots retrieved with :func:`pytoolbox.types.get_slots` and theirs values are tested for equality. """ def __eq__(self, other): return get_slots(self) == get_slots(other) and \ all(getattr(self, a) == getattr(other, a) for a in get_slots(self)) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
# Content ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def unified_diff(before: str, after: str, *, colorize: bool = True, **kwargs) -> str: """ Colorization is not guaranteed (your environment may disable it). Use `pytoolbox.console.toggle_colors` appropriately to ensure it. """ diff = difflib.unified_diff(before.splitlines(), after.splitlines(), **kwargs) return os.linesep.join(_colorize(diff) if colorize else diff)
def _colorize(diff: Iterator[str]) -> Iterator[str]: for line in diff: if line.startswith('+'): yield termcolor.colored(line, 'green') elif line.startswith('-'): yield termcolor.colored(line, 'red') elif line.startswith('^'): yield termcolor.colored(line, 'blue') else: yield line # Versions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _eqn(a, b) -> bool | None: # pylint:disable=invalid-name return True if a == b else None def _nen(a, b) -> bool | None: # pylint:disable=invalid-name return False if a == b else None VERSION_OPERATIONS: dict = { # pylint:disable=consider-using-namedtuple-or-dataclass Version: {'<':, '<=': op.le, '==': op.eq, '!=':, '>=':, '>':}, str: {'<': _nen, '<=': _eqn, '==': op.eq, '!=':, '>=': _eqn, '>': _nen} } try: from packaging.version import LegacyVersion VERSION_OPERATIONS[LegacyVersion] = VERSION_OPERATIONS[str] ParseVersionTypes = 'str | Version | LegacyVersion' # pylint:disable=invalid-name except ImportError: ParseVersionTypes = 'str | Version' # pylint:disable=invalid-name
[docs]def compare_versions( a: str, # pylint:disable=invalid-name b: str, # pylint:disable=invalid-name operator: str ) -> bool | None: version_a = try_parse_version(a) version_b = try_parse_version(b) if type(version_a) is type(version_b): operation = VERSION_OPERATIONS[type(version_a)][operator] return operation(version_a, version_b) if operation else None return None # Will not try to compare Version to LegacyVersion
[docs]def satisfy_version_constraints( version: str | None, constraints: tuple[str, ...], *, default='<undefined>', ) -> bool: """ Ensure given version fulfill the constraints (if any). Constraints are given in the form '<operator> <version>', Exemple: >>> satisfy_version_constraints('v1.5.2', ['>= v1.5', '< v2']) True >>> satisfy_version_constraints('v0.7', ['>= v1.5', '< v2']) False >>> satisfy_version_constraints(None, ['>= v1.5', '< v2']) False >>> satisfy_version_constraints('main', ['!= main']) False >>> satisfy_version_constraints(None, ['== <undefined>']) True >>> satisfy_version_constraints(None, ['!= master'], default='master') False """ return all(compare_versions(version or default, *c.split(' ')[::-1]) for c in constraints or [])
[docs]def try_parse_version(version: str) -> ParseVersionTypes: try: return _parse_version(version) except InvalidVersion: return version