Source code for pytoolbox.django.signals.handlers

    :file:`` ::

        from django import apps
        from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

        from . import signals

        __all__ = ('MyApp', )

        class MyAppConfig(apps.AppConfig):
            name = 'myapp'
            verbose_name = _('My Application')

            def ready(self):

    :file:`` ::

        from django.db.models import signals as dj_signals
        from django.db.backends import signals as dj_db_signals
        from pytoolbox.django.signals import (
            create_site, setup_postgresql_hstore_extension, strip_strings_and_validate_model

        # ...

        def connect(config):
            '''Connect signal handlers to signals.'''
            dj_signals.post_migrate.connect(create_site, sender=config)
                strip_strings_and_validate_model, sender=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)

import logging

from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import fields
from django.db.models.fields.files import FileField

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def clean_files_delete_handler(instance, signal, **kwargs): """ Remove the files of the instance's file fields when it is removed from the database. Simply use ``post_delete.connect(clean_files_delete_handler, sender=<your_model_class>)`` .. warning:: This function remove the file without worrying about any other instance using this file ! .. note:: Project `django-cleanup <>`_ is a more complete alternative. """ for field in kwargs['sender']._meta.fields: if isinstance(field, FileField): file_field = getattr(instance, if file_field.path: file_field.delete(save=False)
[docs]def create_site(sender, **kwargs): """ Ensure the site name and domain is well configured. Some alternative: * Loading an initial fixture with the values for the site * The application `django-defaultsite <>`_ * Other options discussed here: `here <!topic/django-developers/X-ef0C0V8Rk>`_ """ from django.contrib.sites import models as site_app site_fields = {'domain': settings.SITE_DOMAIN, 'name': settings.SITE_NAME} site = site_app.Site.objects.update_or_create(pk=settings.SITE_ID, defaults=site_fields)[0] f'Updated settings of Site "{}" with ID {} and domain {site.domain}')
[docs]def setup_postgresql_hstore_extension(sender, connection, **kwargs): from psycopg2.extras import register_hstore cursor = connection.connection.cursor() cursor.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore') register_hstore(connection.connection, globally=True)
[docs]def strip_strings_and_validate_model(sender, instance, raw, **kwargs): """Strip the string fields of the instance and run the instance's full_clean().""" if not raw: logger.debug(f'Validate model {instance} on save() with kwargs={kwargs}') for field in instance._meta.fields: if isinstance(field, (fields.CharField, fields.TextField)): field_value = getattr(instance, if isinstance(field_value, str): setattr(instance,, field_value.strip()) instance.full_clean()