Source code for pytoolbox.throttles

Throttling classes implementing various throttling policies.

import time

from . import module
from .datetime import total_seconds
from .types import Missing

_all = module.All(globals())

[docs]class TimeThrottle(object): """ Time based throttling class. >>> import datetime >>> def slow_range(*args): ... for i in range(*args): ... time.sleep(0.5) ... yield i >>> t1, t2 = (TimeThrottle(t) for t in (datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), 0.2)) >>> list(t1.throttle_iterable((i, i) for i in range(10))) [(0, 0), (9, 9)] >>> list(t2.throttle_iterable(slow_range(3))) [0, 1, 2] """
[docs] def __init__(self, min_time_delta): self.min_time_delta = total_seconds(min_time_delta) self.previous_time = None
[docs] def is_throttled(self): """Return a boolean indicating if you should throttle.""" if not self.previous_time: self._update() return False if time.time() - self.previous_time >= total_seconds(self.min_time_delta): self._update() return False return True
[docs] def throttle_iterable(self, objects, callback=lambda o: None): """ Consume and skips some objects to yield them at defined `min_delay`. First and last objects are always returned. * Set `callback` to a callable with the signature ``is_throttled_args = callback(object)``. Used by subclasses. """ current_object = Missing for obj in objects: current_object = obj args = callback(obj) or () if not self.is_throttled(*args): current_object = Missing yield obj if current_object is not Missing: yield current_object
def _update(self): self.previous_time = time.time()
[docs]class TimeAndRatioThrottle(TimeThrottle): """ Time and ratio based throttling class. >>> import datetime >>> def slow_range(*args): ... for i in range(*args): ... time.sleep(0.5) ... yield i >>> t1, t2 = (TimeAndRatioThrottle(0.3, t, 10*t) for t in (datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), 0.4)) >>> list(t1.throttle_iterable(list(range(9)), lambda i: [i/9])) [0, 8] >>> list(t2.throttle_iterable(slow_range(9), lambda i: [i/9])) [0, 3, 6, 8] """
[docs] def __init__(self, min_ratio_delta, min_time_delta, max_time_delta): super().__init__(min_time_delta) self.min_ratio_delta = total_seconds(min_ratio_delta) self.max_time_delta = total_seconds(max_time_delta) self.previous_ratio = 0
[docs] def is_throttled(self, ratio): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ """Return a boolean indicating if you should throttle.""" if not self.previous_time: self._update(ratio) return False ratio_delta = ratio - self.previous_ratio time_delta = time.time() - self.previous_time if ( ratio_delta > self.min_ratio_delta and time_delta > self.min_time_delta or time_delta > self.max_time_delta ): self._update(ratio) return False return True
def _update(self, ratio): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ super()._update() self.previous_ratio = ratio
__all__ = _all.diff(globals())