pytoolbox.humanize module

pytoolbox.humanize.naturalbitrate(bps, format='{sign}{value:.3g} {unit}', scale=None, units=('bit/s', 'kb/s', 'Mb/s', 'Gb/s', 'Tb/s', 'Pb/s', 'Eb/s', 'Zb/s', 'Yb/s'))[source]

Return a human readable representation of a bit rate taking bps as the rate in bits/s.

The unit is taken from:

  • The scale if not None (0=bit/s, 1=kb/s, 2=Mb/s, …).
  • The right scale from units.

Example usage

>>> naturalbitrate(-10)
'-10 bit/s'
>>> naturalbitrate(0.233)
'0.233 bit/s'
>>> naturalbitrate(69.5, format='{value:.2g} {unit}')
'70 bit/s'
>>> naturalbitrate(999.9, format='{value:.0f}{unit}')
>>> naturalbitrate(1060)
'1.06 kb/s'
>>> naturalbitrate(3210837)
'3.21 Mb/s'
>>> naturalbitrate(16262710, units=['bps', 'Kbps'])
'1.63e+04 Kbps'
>>> naturalbitrate(3210837, scale=1, format='{value:.2f} {unit}')
'3210.84 kb/s'
pytoolbox.humanize.naturalfilesize(bytes, system='nist', format='{sign}{value:.3g} {unit}', scale=None, args={'gnu': {'base': 1000, 'units': ('B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y')}, 'nist': {'base': 1024, 'units': ('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB')}, 'si': {'base': 1000, 'units': ('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB')}})[source]

Return a human readable representation of a file size taking bytes as the size in bytes.

The base and units taken from:

  • The value in args with key system if not None.
  • The args if system is None.

The unit is taken from:

  • The scale if not None (0=Bytes, 1=KiB, 2=MiB, …).
  • The right scale from units previously retrieved from args.

Example usage

>>> naturalfilesize(-10)
'-10 B'
>>> naturalfilesize(0.233)
'0.233 B'
>>> naturalfilesize(1)
'1 B'
>>> naturalfilesize(69.5, format='{value:.2g} {unit}')
'70 B'
>>> naturalfilesize(999.9, format='{value:.0f}{unit}')
>>> naturalfilesize(1060)
'1.04 kB'
>>> naturalfilesize(1060, system='si')
'1.06 KiB'
>>> naturalfilesize(3210837)
'3.06 MB'
>>> naturalfilesize(3210837, scale=1, format='{value:.2f} {unit}')
'3135.58 kB'
>>> naturalfilesize(16262710, system=None, args={'base': 1000, 'units': ['B', 'K']})
'1.63e+04 K'
>>> naturalfilesize(314159265358979323846, system='gnu')
'314 E'
pytoolbox.humanize.naturalfrequency(hertz, format='{sign}{value:.3g} {unit}', scale=None, units=('Hz', 'kHz', 'MHz', 'GHz', 'THz', 'PHz', 'EHz', 'ZHz', 'YHz'))[source]

Return a human readable representation of a frequency taking hertz as the frequency in Hz.

The unit is taken from:

  • The scale if not None (0=bit/s, 1=kb/s, 2=Mb/s, …).
  • The right scale from units.

Example usage

>>> naturalfrequency(-10)
'-10 Hz'
>>> naturalfrequency(0.233)
'0.233 Hz'
>>> naturalfrequency(69.5, format='{value:.2g} {unit}')
'70 Hz'
>>> naturalfrequency(999.9, format='{value:.0f}{unit}')
>>> naturalfrequency(1060)
'1.06 kHz'
>>> naturalfrequency(3210837)
'3.21 MHz'
>>> naturalfrequency(16262710, units=['Hertz', 'kilo Hertz'])
'1.63e+04 kilo Hertz'
>>> naturalfrequency(3210837, scale=1, format='{value:.2f} {unit}')
'3210.84 kHz'
pytoolbox.humanize.naturalweight(grams, format='{sign}{value:.3g} {unit}', scale=None, units=('g', 'Kg', 'T', 'KT', 'MT', 'GT'))[source]

Return a human readable representation of a weight in grams.

The unit is taken from: * The scale if not None (0=g, 1=Kg, 2=T, …). * The right scale from units. Example usage >>> naturalweight(-10_000) ‘-10 Kg’ >>> naturalweight(0.233) ‘0.233 g’ >>> naturalweight(69.5, format=’{value:.2g} {unit}’) ‘70 g’ >>> naturalweight(999.9, format=’{value:.0f}{unit}’) ‘1000g’ >>> naturalweight(545_000) ‘545 Kg’ >>> naturalweight(3_210_000_000) ‘3.21 KT’ >>> naturalweight(1_620_000, units=[‘Grams’, ‘kilo Grams’]) ‘1.62e+03 kilo Grams’ >>> naturalweight(502456123, scale=2, format=’{value:.2f} {unit}’) ‘502.46 T’


Function to be called as the key argument for list.sort() or sorted() in order to sort collections containing textual numbers on a more intuitive way.

Example usage

>>> sorted(['a26', 'a1', 'a4', 'a19', 'b2', 'a10', 'a3', 'b12'])
['a1', 'a10', 'a19', 'a26', 'a3', 'a4', 'b12', 'b2']
>>> sorted(['a26', 'a1', 'a4', 'a19', 'b2', 'a10', 'a3', 'b12'], key=natural_int_key)
['a1', 'a3', 'a4', 'a10', 'a19', 'a26', 'b2', 'b12']